March 12, 2020 will mark a new day in History


Well, NEVER in my life time did I suspect or even THINK about a pandemic.

Im not sure about you but I like to walk about in this world thinking about my life, my kids, my family, exercise and business. I never think about the doom and gloom of mass murders, pandemics and wars in our world. I know it happens, I know we have some serious global issues and Im not going to pretend they’re not happening BUT I do know that life is too short to add additional stress on to ourselves on issues that we can not change.


Im going to tell you how the days of that week unfolded for us. Our son turned 8 on March 9th and we were celebrating on a family/ friend vacation in Mexico. YUP life was pretty great! The next day we started our venture home as per the norm, packing up 5 people and a condo sized hotel room in a matter of 45mins to make sure we had EVERY LAST POSSIBLE SECOND at the pool. Anyways, we made our long journey back to Vancouver that night spent the night at the Fairmont Airport Hotel and the next day got up and travelled back to our chilly town.

COVID 19 and the Corona Virus were'n’t even a thought in our minds.

March 11th we went to our children’s activities, March 12th EVERYTHING was shutting down and March 13th I got a call from my children’s school telling me they weren’t allowed to come to school because we had just returned from out of the country. WHAT????

SO fast forward the great depression that followed, anxiety, sadness and the rollercoaster of emotions I was feeling and then enter my 85 year old Grandma putting a little perspective on the situation for me. She said, this is Gods way of shaking up the world. Maybe we all have a lesson to learn from this, our human connection is growing apart and our connection to “things” are growing significantly. What is more important to you what do you miss the most? The real connection with the friends and family in your life or the stuff?

Alison Morgan